dark side era

Sunday, April 01, 2007

Another phone call of the day~

Well when i reach home i got a phone call from a friend in another place ~ she told me
tat why did i go around telling ppl in bishan abt promotion? Do u know it resulted tat Wendy saying tat who she think she is who want to promote her? omg when i heard tat news i was disappointed. Why is it everything always me? tmd lor i only told Jenny tat bloody fker tat i was learning to order things tat's all gona promote but haven promote ~ why me again?

Dosen't she know tat by saying this ~ she is making me feeling so sick tat i won't go down to J8 any more even they ask me to go back i won't step in again ~ I hate jenny lor bloody bitch
while i was in Bishan she make everyone sick of her now tat i transfered away from her
still want to back stab me ~ Fk KKKKkkkk